by Bradford Tilden | Sep 27, 2015 | Crystal Healing
Autumn is here! So is an incredible opportunity to transform your life by harnessing the power of the cosmos with your crystals. Before your carve your pumpkins and drink your apple cider, before you do anything else after reading this, gather your crystals, and prepare them to receive the energy of the full moon and eclipse tonight.
by Bradford Tilden | Jul 23, 2015 | Crystal Healing
Golden Healer Lemurians instill courage, confidence, strength, fortitude, and leadership. They radiate joy, especially when a rainbow is present. When kept and carried as a companion stone, they instill these attributes in their keeper.
by Bradford Tilden | Mar 23, 2015 | Crystal Healing
You have to know the differences between the vibrations of crystals and their corresponding effects on a person’s energy-field and body to be an effective and successful healer. There are two ways of learning this information, left brain and right brain. Using the combined resources from both sides of your brain will make you a very good healer.
by Bradford Tilden | Mar 23, 2015 | Crystal Healing
A brief discussion about why and how crystals get their energy and grow, how crystal healing is becoming a more effective and popular alternative healing modality, and how and why crystal healing interacts with the body, mind, and spirituality.
by Bradford Tilden | Mar 23, 2015 | Crystal Healing
Bradford talks a little bit about the “Universal Greeting,” and guides us through a root chakra cleansing.
by Bradford Tilden | Mar 23, 2015 | Crystal Healing
Demonstration of how to feel the actual energy coming from a crystal point and the best way to feel the energy of different kinds of stones with your body.