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January 12, 2024 – Bradford Tilden’s free online event offered an in-depth introduction to Universal White Time Healing, it’s origin, and the benefits it offers both practitioners and clients. If you missed the live broadcast, you can now stream the recording on YouTube.

Event Outline & Video Timecodes

00:00 – Introduction and creating sacred space

01:54 – Presentation

11:45 – Welcoming late comers

12:13 – Bradford’s Personal Testimonial

14:28 – Practitioner Testimonial- Increased confidence, guidance, and the power of distance healing

19:53 – Practitioner Testimonial- Expanding spiritual awareness

24:34 – Practitioner Testimonial- Awakening to crystal and gemstone consciousness with the gemstone master guides

30:07 – Practitioner Testimonial- Beyond Reiki, how White Time brings gifts into focus and it is for everyone

33:56 – Practitioner Testimonial- White Time enhanced other forms of energy healing

36:09 – Question: How is Reiki different from White Time?

41:06 – Question: Is White Time more beneficial for Starseeds?

42:41 – Question: What is the difference between White Time Energy Healing and White Time Gemstone Healing?

48:45 – Question: What is the difference between the White Time Funnel and the Heaven’s Gate Funnel? 51:08 Comment- Symbols and Light Language

51:58 – About Spiritual Upgrades

55:43 – Classes and early-bird bonuses

01:01:14 – One more question- Can upgrades cause ascension sickness?

01:02:19 – Closing remarks