Using the energy of sunstone, the audience receives a guided meditation using the sunstone energy to connect with their soul spirits and source consciousness.
Feel the Vibrations with Bradford Tilden — and in-depth interview with Predrag Vlatkovic of MysticMag
Don’t miss Mystic Mag’s exclusive interview with Bradford Tilden. In this article, Bradford opens up about his personal journey, sharing intimate stories of his psychic awakening and the transformative power of his gifts. He also delves into the fascinating world of crystal and sound healing, uncovering valuable insights and wisdom to illuminate your spiritual path. Whether you’re a seasoned seeker, or new to the realm of psychic phenomena, Bradford’s authentic voice and profound insights are sure to captivate and inspire.
“What is White Time?” – Bradford’s Free Online Discussion Now Available on YouTube!
Joy VanderLek, Columnist and Features Writer for the Cheshire Citizen, shares her experience at a sound healing event facilitated by Bradford Tilden.
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Instagram Interview with Rev. Evangeline Hemrick
by Bradford Tilden | Jan 11, 2023 | Podcast Appearances
Rev. Evangeline Hemrick of hosts an Instagram chat with co-author Bradford Tilden to discuss his upcoming gemstone healing training retreat in North Carolina, Universal White Time, and Lemurian Seed crystals.
Brave Healer Productions Announces Publication of The Energy Medicine Solution
by Bradford Tilden | Dec 3, 2022 | News
Author Bradford Tilden is featured in the new release, The Energy Medicine Solution. His contribution features information on Universal White Time and leveraging the power of divine light and love for authentic healing and awakening.
Sound as Healing
by Bradford Tilden | Nov 11, 2016 | Sound Healing
Sound produces many effects on the mind and body. Some of which can be capitalized for healing. An important one for this discussion is Entrainment. Entrainment is when a stronger rhythmic pulse such as a constant musical beat at a specific rate, causes other pulsating bodies to match its pace. If you listen to calming music with a tempo of 60 bpm (beats per minute) your heart-rate will slow to 60 bpm as well. As will your breathing rate. Entrainment works no matter what the tempo, or rhythm. It has been shown that Heavy Metal music with certain rhythmic accents actually disrupt the heart-beat and can cause a-fib, or other cardiac problems. Sound is to be taken seriously because it is very powerful, yet somehow still underrated.
Understanding Sound
by Bradford Tilden | Oct 11, 2016 | Sound Healing
Understanding Sound If you want to get the full benefits of experiencing sound healing as a meditation practice, therapy, or are interested in knowing how to perform sound healing, it is important to know the basics of the medium, sound. The body has a tendency to be...
Frosted Lemurians – Keys to Personal Awareness
by Bradford Tilden | Apr 21, 2016 | Crystal Healing
Frosted Lemurians, also known as Echo, or Mirror Lemurians, assist with soul fragment retrieval and objective understanding of how others perceive you. The frosted coating prevents the ability to see clearly inside the crystal, much like it is challenging for us to...
Starseed Lemurians – Keys to the Stars
by Bradford Tilden | Mar 21, 2016 | Crystal Healing
Starseed Lemurian Crystals are a part of the 3rd Wave of Lemurian Seed Crystals.  Their purpose is specific and powerful. I learned about their nature a highest use only recently, from communication with a newly acquainted guide. Chà ma is a newly introduced UWT...
Phantom Shards, the Multi-Dimensional Lemurian
by Bradford Tilden | Feb 21, 2016 | Crystal Healing
Lemurian Phantom Shards, part of the Third Wave.  They are the most multi-dimensional of all Lemurian Seed Crystals. These very special one-of-a-kind Lemurian Seed Crystal fragments resonate very strongly with a higher form of Lemurian Healing Energy. Their shapes...
How 2nd Wake Lemurian Crystals Benefit the Chakras
by Bradford Tilden | Jan 20, 2016 | Crystal Healing
The second wave of Colored Lemurians are vitalizing the crystalline consciousness grid with signature aspects to support individual and collective spiritual growth. Unlike their predecessors, the original Lemurian Seed Crystals, whose purpose was to awaken humanity to...
The Origin and Purpose of Lemurian Seed Crystals
by Bradford Tilden | Dec 20, 2015 | Crystal Healing
What are Lemurian Seed Crystals? Learn about their purpose & origin in the blog post by crystal healing master, Bradford Tilden.